As grandparents, we are a trove of knowledge and experiences that we get to share with our grandkids. We share our stories and photos with younger generations to give them a glimpse into the past,…
Living with Vertigo means living with how it affects every aspect of your life, Holidays included. How you plan on spending your holidays solely depends if and when your vertigo attacks will strike. You may…
The holidays are in full swing and along with the season comes holiday travel. Whether you are traveling to your favorite port of call to embark on your holiday cruise or flying to visit family,…
Can Essential Oils Help with Vertigo? Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. Today’s science has recently made them more widely accessible to everyone for health and well being. By choosing carefully which…
Before you experience vertigo, the subject probably rarely crossed your consciousness. After you’ve experienced it, though, doesn’t it seem as if you can’t get enough information, because vertigo can rock your daily routine. In…
Millions of Americans currently suffer from adult-onset vertigo. Vertigo can be mistaken for other ailments or health issues such as low blood pressure, low blood sugar, lightheadedness due to hunger or physical strain.…
What is BPPV? BPPV is a type of vertigo that is characterized by dizziness, nausea, and/or disorientation when a person makes certain head movements, such as when they roll over in bed or get out…
Vertigo is a set of symptoms, affecting a person’s equilibrium, that is most likely based on one of several underlying conditions, usually in the inner ear, but not always. The symptoms labeled vertigo include dizziness,…
Are Your Allergies Making You Dizzy? Can Allergies Cause Vertigo? Everyone experiences colds occasionally and almost everyone suffers from allergies from time to time, especially in the spring and fall. But all of…
Are Your Vertigo Symptoms Related to MS? Yes, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can cause vertigo, however, there is no immediate cause for alarm, almost all vertigo is caused by issues with the inner ear, but…