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10 Ways We Found Relief From Vertigo

By February 3, 2020February 23rd, 2021No Comments

You remember your first vertigo attack, the day it happened, where it happened and how you hoped it was a fluke, a one-time dizzy spell. You never expected this experience to become a new reality, a daily battle to regain balance. After reoccurring vertigo attacks, you find yourself searching the internet, joining forums and newsletters to help you find the answers you need to get your life back. You spend time learning your triggers in hopes to narrow down your diagnosis, you read online discussions on what helped others and what did not, hoping that the answer you seek will emerge. We asked an online vertigo support group what has helped them reduce or even eliminate some of their symptoms. As always consult your doctor to make sure these changes are right for you. 


1) Quit Smoking 


“ I was a smoker for years with no intention to quit, that was until my vertigo symptoms showed up. I was already feeling woozy and nauseous on a daily basis and the smoke from my cigarettes was unbearable. I quit from one day to the next. Other than the expected benefits of quitting, I felt the improved lung capacity helped me take fuller oxygenated breaths, that aid in breathing exercises while dealing with a vertigo attack.” 


2)  Re- Asset Your Diet


“When my vertigo spells started happening, worried that I had developed an adult-onset allergy to something in my diet. How the attacks came on so suddenly, I was sure it was my diet. After tests and consulting with doctors, they recommended that eliminating a few ‘problem’ foods could help and surely wouldn’t hurt. I made adjustments like kicking foods that had preservatives. I started cooking with more fresh veggies and fish. I saw it an overall tune-up of my body health.”


3)  Sugar Strike 


“I don’t consider myself a sugar fanatic, I’d have a soda and candy here and there, but when I started to experience vertigo symptoms, I considered cutting down on sugar and artificial sweeteners. I started eating less processed grains that are natural sugars without the benefits of fiber. I felt my blood sugar dipping less, which always would make me feel woozy, shaky, unstable and paired with a vertigo attack would spell disaster.” I will indulge in treats on special occasions but will continue to be mindful of my sugar intake.” 


4) Drink like a fish 


“When I say that I mean water! Water is a basic need your body needs and without it, things are not going to run the way they are supposed to. Dealing with dehydration is a huge health obstacle that can turn my days’ upside, especially when vertigo kicks in. Taking a few sips can help me when I’m having an attack.”   


5) Magnesium 

“While doing some independent online research I stumbled on an article about Magnesium deficiency that may have a connection with balance. I consulted with my doctor about what would be the right daily amount for me. I felt the severity of my vertigo lessen and attacks reduce while I incorporated Magnesium into my diet.”


6) Rest Up 


“ Getting adequate sleep with vertigo was a challenge for me, sometimes turning or changing positions could send me spinning for hours. It didn’t take long for me to notice that the nights I had got rotten sleep were days I would suffer the most from vertigo. After making adjustments to my sleeping routine and sleeping set up I found that vertigo attacks happened less and less. Nights I had less than restful sleep I would try and take a nap to make up for my sleep deprivation. “


7) Toss the Salt  


“The first thing I did when my vertigo attacks started to become a regular occurrence, was getting rid of sodium in my diet. I had heard it from my doctor for years, to watch my sodium intake year after year. This time I was going to take the advice seriously. Was it my one and done solution? No, but together with other diet changes, it helped immensely.“


8) Cut Caffeine 


“Some people are solar-powered, I, on the other hand, am, powered by caffeine. Faced with the idea of my cutting and ultimately giving up caffeine was a hard reality, but if it meant helping with me keep my balance, I had to be willing to do it.” 


9) Adios Vino


“I knew I was in for a lifestyle change when I found myself at my doctor’s office asking her about these dizzy spells that left me spinning. I was surprised when she said I should consider cutting out wine from my diet, stating certain natural chemicals in wine can cause vertigo attacks to feel worse. I took her advice as well as other helpful lifestyle adjustments, and haven’t looked back.”


10) De-Stress


“In this day and age who can say they are stress-free? All I know is that I strive for it. “Stress is a killer.” my doctor said to me, and I am sure it comes with a long list of complications too. I’ve seen patterns in my attacks when I am feeling overloaded and overwhelmed. I’ve learned I need to prioritize my health, I’ve learned to delegate home tasks and to say no to events that might leave me feeling spread thin. I see my attacks as my body telling me I need to slow down and I’ve learned that my body is always right.” 

