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Neurofeedback as a Treatment for Vertigo: What You Should Know

By May 18, 2016February 23rd, 2021No Comments

Neurofeedback and Vertigo Treatment

There’s a new movement in the mental health community that’s changing the way we think about neurological disorders. Individuals who suffer from severe headaches, insomnia, vertigo and a range of other neurological health concerns are trying to reduce their symptoms with a treatment known as Neurofeedback. While there is no consensus on the effectiveness of Neurofeedback within the medical community, there are numerous examples of patients using the treatment to quell and get rid of certain unwanted symptoms.

How Neurofeedback Works

Neurofeedback isn’t exactly new. This form of mental self-healing has been around since the 1960s. The procedure involves attaching metal electrodes to the top of the patient’s forehead and ground wires to their ears. The electrodes track and monitor the patient’s brainwaves and display them on a monitor. The patient is then asked to play a mental video game in which they see a car driving on a road. If the patient becomes restless or irritable, the car will stall. The goal is to help the patient relax. As the patient watches their brain activity on the monitor, they’re able to mentally self-correct themselves when their brain verges out of control. The more relaxed the patient becomes the better the car will perform.

Neurofeedback Success Stories

While the treatment may not sound like much, the results can be astonishing. Patients who suffer from severe migraines, anxiety and the symptoms of vertigo have used Neurofeedback to regulate and diminish their side effects. In certain cases when the patient is able to see their brain’s activity in real time, they are more able to self-regulate and self-correct when their symptoms get out of hand. Patients claim that the driving simulation helps them concentrate and focus on the task at hand.

The Risks of Neurofeedback

For all of its potential, Neurofeedback faces its fair share of challenges and naysayers. Professionals in the mental health community say that the procedure only works as well as it’s administered. If the person conducting the procedure puts the electrodes in the wrong spot, they run the risk of training the person’s brain in the wrong way. If administered incorrectly, the patient’s side effects could become exacerbated. The patient could cater to the wrong brain waves and actually make their symptoms worse. There are several stories of Neurofeedback turning patients into insomniacs after their brain’s activity had been altered.

Monitoring and altering a person’s brain activity is an inherently sensitive endeavor. While a mental health professional might be able to reverse or subdue a person’s vertigo with Neurofeedback, the procedure could also lead to unforeseen and problematic side effects.


For many, Neurofeedback can seem like an extreme measure for the treatment of chronic conditions. Luckily, there are other solutions like DiVertigo that can relieve symptoms. All natural and side effect free, DiVertigo uses a blend of essential oils to naturally calm vertigo symptoms in just a few minutes. A few drops behind the ear and you can start feeling relief, even after symptoms have begun and without side effects. No one should have to live with constant dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Get the relief you’ve been searching for with DiVertigo.
